Hiram United Sovereign Grand Lodge
P.O. Box 543
Columbus, GA  31902-0543
Please contact us anytime via
email, by filling out the form on
this page. We will make every
effort to respond to your
questions and comments within
24 hours.
Full Name (required):
E-mail  (required):
Address 2:
City, State, Zip:
Day Telephone:
Evening Telephone:
Comment, Questions, Information Request:
Copyright © 2011 Hiram United Sovereign Grand Lodge.  All Rights Reserved.
"My People Shall Perish for the Lack of Knowledge"
A:.A:.S:.R:.F:.M:. of the World, Inc.

To: Individuals, Local Businesses, Corporations, Charities, and
Chambers of  Commerce

Subject: 88th Sovereign Grand Assembly Souvenir Journal

To commemorate our 88th Sovereign Grand Assembly, Hiram
United Sovereign Grand Lodge, a non-profit Masonic
Organization seeks your support for advertising in our Souvenir
Journal. This
year’s Journal shall reflect all of the charitable work we have
completed in the year 2015 for the communities we serve

Many of the members of this Jurisdiction are currently engaged
in many local and national activities that impact our lives. This is
our way of showing that “We Care” about our people, and this
would be a great opportunity for your business  to  gain  further  
exposure  by  placing  your  advertisement  request  in  our  
Journal  which  is  distributed nationwide. Current advertising
rates for this year’s Journal are as follows:
Lodge/Chapter Ad Rates

Name Recognition     Local Chapter/Lodge    Grands/HDH                
$10.00                                   $20.00                        $25.00                 

Local Business Ad Rates

Quarter Page Ad    Half Page Ad      Full Page Ad
$50.00             $100.00                        $150.00

Souvenir Journal Cover Rates (Corporations, Charities Chambers of

Inside Front Cover      Inside Back Cover  Outside Back Cover
$500.00               $500.00                    $500.00

All other page sizes and rates
for (Corporations, Charities Chambers of Commerce) will be:

Quarter Page Ad    Half Page Ad       Full Page Ad
$125.00                $275.00               $500.00

Skyscrapers - $125.00
Shapes - $75.00
Other Ads - $50.00

or, we can tailor price your
advertisement for the 86th
Sovereign Grand Assembly
Souvenir Journal
based on your requests.
Deadline for publication of this
Journal is September, 20, 2013
so that we may put the finishing
touches on this magnificent

We look forward to your
inquiries, and if there are any,
please contact us at
1-888-506-8157 for detailed

And we humbly thank you in
advance for your Support!!!....
Individual Ad Rates
Local Business Ad Rates
(Corporations, Charities Chmbr of Commerce)