Sov/Ill L.W. Myers, Jr. Sovereign Grand Master Hiram United Sovereign Grand Lodge, Inc. Headquarters Columbus, Ga. |
Sovereign Grand Matron Very Ill. Mattie T. Cohen Nykali Sovereign Grand Chapter Headquarters Columbus, Ga. |
Sov/Ill. Tommy L. Davis Deputy Sovereign Grand Master Hiram United Sovereign Grand Lodge Columbus, Ga. |
Most/Ill Cecelia Pommier 1st Past Sovereign Grand Matron (deceased) |
Very/Ill. Delores Gardner Past Sovereign Grand Matron, Nykali Sovereign Grand Chapter, Georgia Past Grand Matron Silver Queen Grand Chapter, Virginia (deceased) |
Photo Not Available |
Sov/Ill. Fred Berry Past Sovereign Grand Treasurer Hiram United Sovereign Grand Lodge (deceased) |
Photo Not Available |
Ill. Doretha Williams Past Grand Matron Esther Grand Chapter Georgia |
"My People Shall Perish for the Lack of Knowledge" |
A:.A:.S:.R:.F:.M:. of the World, Inc. |
Nykali Sovereign Grand Chapter |
United Sovereign Grand Lodge |